Arctic Climate Crisis Journey 2006

A seventy-five year old grandmother's journey to the arctic to learn what effect of global warming and the loss of the Polar Ice Cap will have for the Inuit People of the North, as well as the people of the entire planet.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Leaving Whitehorse, but....


What a sad day this is. Indeed, I'm leaving Whitehorse, but not for the North. Because of some health problems I had kept to myself pretty much, I'm having to abandon my mission half-way.

On the 8th of July, I caught a mystery virus, probably on the Alaska ferry, and although I'm much better now and the high fever is gone, I'm in a lot of pain during the night and am very weak. So I think I'd better head home and find the answer to what's making me sick. The important thing for everyone to know is that I'm no longer in any danger, and I'm certain that I'll soon be fully recovered. I'm sorry to have kept this a secret from everyone; I was just so sure that I could lick it without anyone having to know.

I'm flying back this morning and will be home in the late afternoon. Jessica from the Arctic Youth Network will be driving my car back in another week or so, and I look forward to introducing her to friends and supporters on Salt Spring Island. And I have every intention of taking a carbon offset flight to Ottawa in September to talk to Minister Rona Ambrose about the impending climate crisis.

With great love and good wishes to all of you,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow Dorothy what a journey! you should be very happy with what you have accomplished. You are an inspiration to young and old. keep healing and I look forward to the calls to action and hearing about your continued activism. love, andrew.

Fri Jul 21, 10:03:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Dorothy:

We're so sorry that you had to terminate your wonderful project early, due to ill health. We wish you a speedy recovery.

But no matter, you are an inspiration to us all and a comfort, I think, to young people. They need to see the 'senior' generations demonstrating how much they care.

Thank you for sharing passion and poetry with us!


Tue Jul 25, 11:22:00 AM PDT  

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